1933 VES Meteor
P. 1
VoL. XVIII, No. 4
Vivid Report of Indian Life is Given by Rev. Frank S.
Coan on Jan. 15
Students of V. E. S. were very fortunate to be able to hear Rev. Frank S. Coan in Langhorne Me- morial Chapel on Sunday, January
15. Mr. Coan is the son of a mis-
sionary to India and has him self been in India as ::t missionarv for the past twelve years. For the. most
part his sermon had to do with Gandhi and the attempts on his part and on the part of the Nationalist
Party of India to obtain the rights of independence and self-govern- ment for the Indian people.
To begin with Mr. Coan told of two times when he had seen Gandhi or, as he is popularly known to the masses, Mahatma Gandhi. The first time he said was in 1919 at Lahore w h ere Gandhi addressed a
group of Indian students, asking them to give up education and all chances of a livelihood in order to take up the cause of the common people and the Nationalist Party. He then told how following this address many of these students had left college and had given the rest of their lives to the cause of India. Next Rev. Coan told of an an- nual meeting of the National Congress of India where Gandhi again spoke. This time in the mid- dle of a heated debate he left
the room to go to his evening devotions, showing his remark- able religious devotion. Mr. Coan then went on to say that at the Round Table Conference Gandhi turned down several invitations to live among the upper classes in or- der that he might be with the cock-
neys in East End London.
(Continued on Page 4.)
Practice Field to Adjoin the Upper Field in Rear of Main Building
JANUARY 20, 1933
Superintendent of the Boys Home Describes the Work and Need of This Home
Rev.. E. R._ Rogers, of the Boys Home 111 Covmgton, Va., visited the school on Sunday, January 8. Mr. Rogers gave the students a very in·
formative talk on the work of that institution, and also a most enjoy· able and helpful sermon. Mr. Rogers has been Rector and Superintendent of the Boys Home since 1918 and has done a piece of work which any man should envy.
Mr. Rogers explained to us that the Boys Home was a place of ref- uge for boys who have lost either one or both parents or who have
not had parents who could properly care for them. He pointed out that the boys who were there were given an education and a chance to do something worth while in futur:e life, whereas had they not been so
fortunate as to attend Boys Home
they would never have had this
facilities of the Virginia Episcopal School is the proposed aew athletic field which Dr. Randolph is con- structing on the area that adjoins the junior athletic field behind the West Dormitory.
. This work has been begun and it IS hoped that the baseball team will
and in front of. the toastmaster's seat was a football.
Dr. Randolph acted as toastmas- ter and filled the place very credit- ably. Mr. Mattfield represented the
members of the faculty not affili- ated with athletics, while Mr. Gannaway, Head Coach Costolo, and Assistant Coaches Bond and
McGhee represented the Athletic Association.
A very delight£ul meal was pre- pared by Miss Nelson. It consisted of a tomato juice cocktail as the
first course. An old-fashioned tur- key dinner followed, with peas, po- tatoes, and cauliflower as vegetables.
Tasty rolls were served throughout this course. The dessert was made up of ice cream and two big cakes, each adorned with a garnet "V." Mints and nuts concluded the re-
The first one to speak was Co-Cap- Mrs. Randolph conducted them into
tain Rodger Williams. Williams has her dining room, where she served been 9n the squad for four years, ice cream and a large cake with
and in his talk he expressed his de- "Midgets" written in icing across sire to return next year. The team the top. Rev. Randolph, coach,
was successful as far as work and made the initial speech, to which spirit \ven~ and co-captain Wil- Captain Clagett responded. Mr.
liams said that next year he hoped Bond, Mr. McGhee, Mrs. Brown, the scores would show a successful and Miss Marion Nelson delivered
(Continued on Page 4.) DANCE!
The Hop Committee an-
nounces that the third dance
of the year will be given in B~rksdale Gymnasium on the mght of Saturday, January 28th. This dance will bring to a close the week of exams and it is expected to be one of the most enjoyable social affairs of
the mid-year activities.
season. short talks also. Poppers were given Richard Smither followed him away as favors, and the party was with a speech full of regrets that greatly appreciated by the Midgets and it was a fitting occasion to end
----------~----------------- 1932Squa· Entertaine
mg several examples of boys who had made good and wound up by asking the students of V. E. S. fo bear these facts in mind and to do what little they could do to
· Mr. Gannaway gave out the cer-
tificates for maj or letters to the fol- MRS. RANDOLPH IS lowing members of the squad:
Rodger Williams, James Edmunds, Charles MeNulty, Tate Brock~tt,
MANY SPEECHES GIVEN Robert Baskervill, William Rust, Richard Sn1ither, William Basker-
The annual football banquet was vill, Wilcox Brown, Augustine held the Saturday before Christ- TuckeF, William Brazier, James
had followed a star of self-denial and helpfulness and thereby be- came the world's most loved, re- spected, and honored man. Mr.
Rogers then said that the whole en- deavor of true Christian life was to follow the same star that Christ followed and to attempt to lead a life full of good doing and right- eousness. He said that if we could attain these goals we would be men
in every sense of the word.
On the whole this sermon was one of the best rendered and one
of the most useful ones which have been given this year, and in behalf of the student body as a whole THE METEOR wishes to extend its sin- cere thanks to Mr. Rogers for hav- ing given us these few moments of
his valuable time.
Charles McNulty has been . appointed to be the manager of the 1933 boxing squad. Mc- Nulty will be the first ma.n!k ger of the squad since the G. A. A. has chosen to have box· ing one of the minor sports
that will a.wa·rd letters.
i932 FoorHALL -;_-EAM
ll \,.. O.ll\..1 \~VJ..l\.. 1-\_. V.J i...l) -' .ol> • .b
Immediately after supper on the mas vacation. Besides the '32 Poindexter, Drake Pritchett, John night of November 30th, the Mid-
squad, all the counselors were pres-
ent. There were six tables shaped
as a rectangle with a space in the
m i d d I e f o r everyone whose speeches were not long enough. The
Snow, David Maulsby, Patrick Rid- dleberger, and Lionel Barbee.
get Football T eam gathered in the Rector's apartments to celebrate in- formally the end of their most suc-
An improvement in the athletic tables were decorated with candles, some of those present for speeches.
·-':k·- - - ' - - - - -----------------------------
opportunity. Next he told of the .f~ ~-·1 ·--~-1• of tl-~ 1o~ ·s ,.,.. ---:,.
on Dec. 10; ampions Fete
get City
0-----~ ------------------------------------
·While the dessert was being en- cessful season in which they gained
joyed, the
the Midget City Championship.
When the guests had assembled,
he could not thank the coaches enough for their work with the team. As Smither is head-counselor, he gave a word of thanks to hosts
for inviting the counselor body. Augustine Tucker came next
with an interesting story of his foot- ball career. Since Gus is from Shanghai, he had never played the game before. He vVanted to go out (Continued on Page 2.)
the championship season.
Members of the championship
team that were entertained in this
help this worthy institution.
·In his sermon Mr. Rogers chose as his theme the "Guiding Star of the Magi" in keeping with the 1 Epiphany season. He told of sev- eral men such as Napoleon and the Boy Emperor of Rome, who had as their Guiding Stars selfish ambi- tion and immoral achievement. He SQUAD ON DEC. 8th then went on and told how Christ
guard; AIfred Flinn, tackle; Larrie Forsyth, end; Johnny Moore, end;
Ambler Brown, guard; Theodore Dyer, tackle; Edward Leigh, full- (Continued on Page 3.)
banquet halfback;
were : Hall

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