1937 VES Meteor
P. 1
Kappa Alpha House
Univer sity . V irginia
Lexington Cagers Run W ild D ur- ing First Half and St.ave
Off Bishops' Rally
Schoew is Outstanding for V. E. S.-Smith Plays Well for
High expectations of the V. E. S. varsity basketball team were crushed on Saturday, January 15, when Lex- ington High School handed them a 3j-26 defeat. The game was played in the Barksdale Gymnasium at V. E. S., and, as usual, began at 3 :30.
V. E. S. Confident
Although confident of victory over
the small Lexington team, the Bish- ops soon found that their task would not be an easy one. They soon found that while the visiting team was very small, they were excep-
tionally fast.
In the first few seconds of play
a penalty was incurred by V . E. S. for walking with the ball, and L. H. S. got two shots, the second of which was good. Roberts complied with the L. H. S. point with a goal.
lnf1-icacies of a CooZing System Ex- . pounded by Ardent young
The first meeting of the new year of the V. E. S. Science Club was held. on Sunday, January 10. The meetmg was called to order by
the President, Keene Langhorne who announced that due to the fac~ the school year was almost half over tt would not be advisable for the Cl.ub to pres.ent the school library wtth a subscnptwn to The Scientific Amencan magazine, as had been
B i s h o p s Completely Outclass Their Small Opponents From Bedford
McGANN HIGH SCORER Captains Blandford and Roberts
of V. E. S. and May of Bedford Play Well
Moore took the ball on a pass from ditioners employed 0 regulate the
between the Elbe and Oder rivers. PRE-LENTENFROUCSmaller rivers and canals join it to these rivers and ~S:ord naviaation for its commerce. Railroads"' have
McRae, shot, missed, but Scliliew caught the rebound and sank the ball for the second V. E. S. goal. On a Lexington foul Moore suc- ceeded in annexing another point.
temperature in a Pennsylvania fac- tory.
been built across the lowlands and reach out in every direction to the different parts of the country and to all parts of the continent. The manufactures of Berlin are exten- sive and include the making of ma- chi~ery, steam engines, and a great vanety of woolen goods. The city
is also a banking center and has the largest of the German universities and various museums of art and in- dustry.
(Continued on Page Three.)
partment, divided into three sections Then Swink scored the first L. H. or rooms, with a powerful electri-
S. goal and his teammates soon fol- caJJy driven fan at each encl. The
lowed with another goal. Schoew took a pass under the visitors' goal and sank the third V. E. S. goal.
Lexington Scores
Not far behind the Bishops' score came three Lexington scores by Swink, Smith and Goforth. A foul
on V. E. S. gave L. H. S. two tnes which the visitors failed to make good.
The quarter ended with an 11-7 score.in favor of the high school.
Wtth the opening of the second quarter V. E. S. started a fast rush which carried them to the visitors' goal, but there they lost the ball, and as it happened time and time again Lexington came back to the home goal under sure passing. Brown shot L. H. S.'s thirteenth pomt. Smith passed to Swink, who added two more points to the visi- tors' 13. Then for the first time in the game V. E. S. made two fouls good, Ely doing the shooting. But
(Continued on Page Three.) BOYS' BASKETBALL
fan at the intake forces the air through a heater into the first sec- tion. From there it passes through a water spray which cleans and hu- midifies it. The air then passes through a heater and dryer which warms it slightly and removes ex- (Continued on Page Three.)
Feb. 4--V . E. S. vs.
Gug- Feb. 11-V. E. S. vs. River-
Feb. 18-V. E. S. vs. Y. M.
F C. A.
hundred and the squad.
eb. 25-V. E. S. vs. Madison.
l here bemg no further business
drick, the appointed speaker. over the court to score 43 points For his subject, Kendrick chose against the Bedford quint's 21. Mc-
The Chief States a.nd Cities of Ger~ Gann starred as high-point man for mari{Y. His talk was as follows: V. E. S. and May for Bedford.
a previous meeting. the meeting was turned over to
tioner was essentially a large com-
E P I S C O P '
JANUARY 21, 1937
Co-Captains of Basketball
He explained that an air-condi- Dance to Be Nocturnal Attraction
Prussia,.somewhat smaller than Cal- ifornia, is by far the largest of the German states. Its capital, Berlin, ts also the capital of the country.
Berlin Important
Schoew Scores
Schoew broke the ice for V. E. S. in the first quarter by scoring the first goal. Shortly after, Moore's
Angus Echols, who had been sched- uled to address the club on air-con- ditioning machinery.
Talk Interesting
Echols' talk was especially clear
and interesting because of the fact that he Sl)oke from actual experi- tence, havmg worked the previous summer on one of six huge air-con-
Berlin is one of the three -cities foul added another point. Then of the world that have more than May, after a long period of rallying,
3,500,000 people. It is in the midst sank a field goal for Bedford's first
After .E. H. S. Game
The dance usually held at the end of exam week will be a homecom- ing dance in Barksdale Gymnasium
following the V. E. S. and E . .H. S. basketball game on February 6th. The dance is a week later than it was supposed to be because the or- chestra the boys wanted had a prev- wus engagement.
Commanders Featured
The Hop Committee has arranged f o r t h e V . M . I . C o m m a n d e r s t o play. They made such a hit with all FIRST 1937MEETING the boys last time that everybody is looking forward to hearing them Mr. Costolo Speaks on Neatness again. They even ought to be bet- ter this time than they were last be- cause it is a school band and they have had more time to practice to- gether since they were here earlier
HEARS TALK BY GLAZE good, and then added a crip. Moore,
of Club Room
lOth, in the "V" Club room.
The meeting was caJJed to order by President Reams and after the roll had been caJJed, in the absence
of Secretary Taylor, Langhorne
read the minutes of the last meeting.
for two consecutive crips, Bedford lagging 21 points behind at the end
The "V" Club had its first meet- ing after the holidays on January
As there was no business to be
brought up Mr. Costolo stated that $1.00. The time before we had them
This comparatively new organiza-
tion, the Current Events Club,
seems to be very successful, judging
from the regular attendance of its
members at the meetings. The mem-
bers assemble in Mr. Ladd's apart-
the club room would have to be kept in better order. To do this he men-
tioned that cigarettes would have to
they had another engagement in Lynchburg and did not charge us for traveling expenses. But every- body expects them to be well worth the difference and since this will be the last dance before Easter everybody is looking forward to this as the best dance of the year.
W-illiam Leigh Taylor of Page, West Virginia, has been elected captain of the nine-
be put in the ash trays and not on Jan. 14 V. E. S., 12; Holy the floor. He then said that the
ments between 12 and 1 o'clock on Jan. 15-V . E. S., 27; Madi-
magazines should be returned to the reading table after being used.
Then the idea of having outsiders interested in athletics to speak to the club was discussed, and Mr. Costolo "said that he would try to have such a person for the next
The suggestion was also made
that an inscription be put in the front of the new scrap book.
After this the meeting was ad- ..____________...! journed.
Sunday mornings and are given a paper on a topic previously assigned to some member of the club. After the paper is read, the members dis- cuss the subject among themselves, and varied and interesting opinions are presented. These regular meet- ings, under the able sponsorship of Mr. Ladd, are very educational.
Furthermore, the members have a very enthusiastic attitude toward the
(Continued on Page Three.)
son, 22.
Jan. 22-V . E. S. vs. High
Jan. 29-V. E. S. vs. Miller
Park. Feb. 5-0pen.
Feb. 12-V . E. S. vs. River- mont.
Feb.19-V. E. S. vs. Gug- genheimer .
Feb. 26-V . E. S. vs. Inde-
pende~ts. '
Cross, 10.
Jan. 21-V. E. S. vs. High
Jan. 28-V. E. S. vs Miller
in the year.
Price Raised
The only thing the boys don't like about the dance is that they have to pay $1.50 instead of the usual
quarter, and V. E. S. came out on
tee 11
seven boxing team by vote of
L ocation of Big German
T alk
Trade Centers
The German Club met on Jan- uary the tenth, for the first time after the holidays. President Keene Langhorne called the meeting to or- der and then asked if there were any business. As there was no busi-
of the north German plain and lies
two points. Keeler followed with a crip for Bedford and McGann ended the quarter with a field goal. Keeler opened the second quarter by making a foul count for Bedford, but McGann took advantage of his
two foul chances and made both. Blandford followed shortly with a crip, and later a foul. McGann popped up again with a stupendous side shot, giving V. E. S. a: respect- able margin. Later McGann cripped after which McRae sank a prett; overhead. Roberts' shot for the 18th point left a 13-point lead for
V. E. S. at the half. May Stars
May came out in the second half with a beautiful field goal and fol- lowed that immediately with a crip adding life to Bedford's score. Rob~ erts made one of his foul chances
on Geographical
V. E. S. captured its first victory of the season at home last Wednes- ness of importance, the president day when Co-Captains Bill Roberts turned the platform over to Ken- and Mace Blandford led their team
Schoew, and Blandford rang up two
Address on Spanish Civil War points each. Schoew took the ball
Entertains Members
The Current Events Club held a
very successful meeting Sunday, of the third quarter.
January 10, at which, after various Eley scored two points on the first business affairs of the club had play of the fourth quarter. Fouls been discussed, the members were and crips featured the rest of the
(Continued on Page Four.)
entertained by a short but very in-
teresting talk given on the Spanish top as McGann's pot-shot entered Civil War by Glaze, a very active the rim for the last score of the

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