1938 VES Meteor
P. 1
FEBRUARY 4, 1938
Bentard L. Reams of the class of '37, T·ecently pTesented the school with a ·very fine etching of the interior of St.
sion of Y. M. C. A., W-ill Pre· side Over Prep School Meet
The Annual Preparatory School -Conference will, as in the past, have its meeting at Natural Bridge, Va., on the eleventh, twelfth and thir- teenth of this month. The Confer- ence is sponsored by the Y oung .Mens' Christian Association, and
Sa111uel W hitehurst McGann of Norfolk, Va., Edward Van Z ile Scott of Bir111ingham, Ala.. and Clayton Moore, Jr., of Winston-Salem, N. C., have ?'ecenJly been appo i·nted counselon at V. E. S. to fill vacancies on the counselor
I. Passing is Strong Asset; V. E. S., 54; D. M. I., 24
Out-of-Town Girls Attend any lAl .
The Dance; Severa Also Are Present
On the night of Saturday, Janu- 29. the fourth dance of the
ary' f11 d year came off very success u y, an
another star was add~d to the crm~n of the Hop Comnuttee. In spite of the oft-repeated assurance on the.
their top
form of the
part of one, Mr. Clay~on Eley, that
H itting
sea~on, the Bishops trounced a prev- iously undefeated Danville Military
Institute five, 52-24, in the fastest cage engagement of the year. The Bishops rolled up a 24-12 lead at the intermission and doubled their
margin in tne last half.
Clayton Moore, Charlie Schoew,
and Slick Eley divided scoring hon- ors with eleven and ten points each respectively. L ouis Seabolt, Danville captain, and one of the fastest guards seen in action here this season, captured the point- making honors for the afternoon with twelve markers.
The Bishops got away to a 9-0 lead on baskets by E ley, Schoew, Andrews, and Blandford and Mose's free throw before Seabolt registered for D. M. I.
Paul's Cathedral, London, En-
hestra there were no sheets of , gland. Th e etching is by Stan- ' preceeding .conference. Dr. Ran-
we should have a music readmg or- ~msicinevidence. This,however,
should not be attributed to the Hop Committee since the orchestra that
they had b~oked_was detained at tl~e last minute by Sickness. The music was not half bad. despite the slight slip and certain it is that a more enjoyable dance has not been staged
here this year.
The young ladies present hailed from far and near-mostly near. Richmond was well represented by Miss Jane Rose and Miss Sally ·
Jackson. Miss Rose was escorted
by James M: S~tterfield, the . boy
elects its officers each year for the 1 dolph has been elected president of
ley E ades, w ho is an outstand- ing English etcher and whose worl.:s are 'lvell-lm.own. The picfltre is now in the library where it has gTen.tly improved
the appearance of that room. '---------------~
boys have ful-
Just around the corner, now, is Miss E loise Parks of Petersburg, season. O n F ebruary fifth the
who was squired by John Thomp- Bishops journey to Episcopal High
M o o r e ,
A short meeting of the V Club points, then Seabolt, dribbling beau-
with the ducky httle soup-stramer.
Our other out-of-town guest was che biggest basketball game of the
was held on January 16, mainly for tifully, dropped in a one-hander for the purpose of reading the Consti- D. M. I. Score: 14-4 at the close
tution and By-Laws of the club of the period.
School and hope to come home w·ith the title, "successful invaders.''
Miss Melville Hobbs with Lawrence This year V. E. S. has a g~od Prince, Miss Anne Craddock with chance of overcoming the High Laurence Blanchard, Miss Carolyn School lead. But one thing is cer-
for the benefit of the new mem- bers. Then Mr. Costolo pointed
- D. M. I. Scores
The Cadets got the jump as the
Many Out-of-Town Girls
out that several years ago, it was a second quarter started, scoring three
Do~n through the years th~.t V. tioned above were: Miss Dot Watt E. S. has met E. H. S, on the gym with Ben Kearfott, Miss Anne Mac- floor both t'eams have kept just Donald with Al Stoddard, Miss about the same number of victories
Other couples than those men-
custom of the club for the members
to wear their monogram sweaters
on Thursdays and at varsity ath-
points on Baskerville's foul and Davis' short shot.
Moore's two baskets were offset by sonie more fancy shooting by Seabolt, and the score mounted
Powell arched in a beauty from 'way out that put the visitors with- in six points, but three quick bas- kets by Blandford, Schoew and Andrews ended the short-lived threat. Score at the half was : V. E. S., 24; D. M. I., 12.
After thirty seconds of the last half had gone by, Moore scored
from under the basket.
ATIONS' TO Y. M.C. A. CONFERENCE · Kendrick, President of Jr. Divi·
the senior council and Dick Ken-
drick president of the junior coun- ,cil for the meeting this year. The conference is made up of delegates from practically all the preparatory schools in Virginia, and has had its
meetings at the historical Natural Bridge for three years. Lectures
will be given this year by Messrs. Jack Mulligan, Nurney Bond, Hugh Avery, William W. Brown, and Bishop Strider. The topics for dis- cussion will be "From Prep School to College," "Boy and Girl Rela- tionships," "Christianity and W ar," and "Personal Religious Living." The delegates will be divided into
discussion groups and will attend each lecture. T hey will be given an opportunity to cite their views on the different subjects for discussion as well as hear the opinion of others in their group.
- - - 0 -·--
letic contests. H e said that it would Anne Easley with Ned Mitchell, with E. H . S. having a slight edge. LIBRARY MUCH IMPROVED be a good idea to continue this cus-
that a table be secured for the V Minich with Judge LaRoque, Miss tain- t he Bisb~ps must not be over- - T he· appearance and the useful- Club room. Then it was decided
Virginia Sneed with Cliff Peeler, confident. Many a good team has ness of the Library h,as been greatly that all breakage of furniture
Miss Mally Ramsey with Mason gone clown in defeat before a improved this year. Yet, ·if the stu- should be immediately reported in
Deaver, Miss Polly Hughes with weaker team because of this fault. den~ body, as a whole, realized that the future, and it was also decided
Tom Scott, Miss Lois Craighill with V. E. S. has a good team. There it is their Library, and acted ac- that the V Club magazines should
Emile Hunt, Miss Mary Jane Pet- is no getting around .the fact the cordingly, conditions could be fur- be brought directly to the room as
tyjohn with Billy Williams. Miss Bishop quintet is practically as good ther improved. Proba?ly_, the most soon as they arrived. An appeal was
Anne Morrison with Tom Stoops, as any state prep school team. Miss Kitty Avery with Emmett
unattractive characten stlc of the made to the H ouse Committee to Library is the careless treatment ~ee to it that the room was kept
The starting line-up for V. E. S. will be: Capt. Eley, Bill Schoew,
· (Please Turn to Page Four.)
On Sunday morning, January were mentioned but only four were candy, the hulls, etc., wer~ epostte there have been three meetings of
finally accepted.' It was decided that into the waste baskets mstead of
16th, after Chapel, the German fl the "Scientia.'' The first being De-
Clu~ had its first meeting after the they should be welc?med into tl~e being carelesslythrown on the oor: cember 12 and the speaker being Chnstmas vacation. This was a club at th~ next meetmg. After this About twenty-five books h~ve Clayton Eley.
with Pancho Dillon, Miss Dot Davis with Bob Ristine, Miss Helen
.Miss Page Gannaway
aiven the newspapers and maga-
in a little better order and that the members be a little less boisterous in the room.
very important meeting and its pur- the meeting was· adjourned.
been rebound, and plans are gettmg
For his subject Eley chose the 1
r_ose was to adopt a new constitu-
O n
S unday
and to
classify the books accordmg to the early development of Radio ogy
Mase Blandford, Sim Andrews, ond. and very little effort after
Baregrass Moore.
reading to fold the newspapers or
return the magazines to the proper
places. Eating in the Library ~ur­
tion, the old one having been lost 30th, after chapel, t~1e Genn~n Club Dewey Decimal System. Doug from its beginning-the disco~ery fast year, and to elect new members. had another meetmg. T~IS was M. 1 11 d of the X-ray up to the present tune.
After President Bill Schoew had called ~he meeting to order and
the usual business was discussed, Mr. Brodie Winhourne and Mr. "Casanova" Crudup, who had been
elected to draw up the constitution, presented it to the club. The con- stitution was then voted on and ac-
«pted as the permanent constitu- of the German Club.
only a short meeting and Its pur- Langhorne, Alec Itc1e , an_ 1 Forman have presented to the Lt- He emphasized the importance t1at
pose was to welcome the new mem- bers into the club.
1 1 the X-ray has been in the study ~f brary copies of magazines t 1at 1ave medicine. He also gave a dramatic
President Bill
Stoddard, Simmons Andrews, ~!if­
been appreciated.
The fact that au alumnus has periments of William Roentgen, the
A fter
cailed the meeting to order Albert
ford Peeler, and Lawrence Pnnce were heartily welcomed into the club. Mason Blandford was ch~sen as the speaker for the next ~eetmg.
est in the improvement of the Lt- ings was held on the 9th of Janu- brary. Who knows but that the ary with Lawrence Loftin as the gift of ne~ tables, comfortab~e speaker. He chose for his subject chairs, a smtable catalogue cabt- one of the latest botani<;al discover-
Schoew had
It would require only a sec-
ing the recesses would ~ot be objec-
tionable if the wrappmgs for the d · d
Since the last issue of this paper
mane is more or less a chemical brain, as Loftin pointed .out. If rubbed on one side of a plant, that side will grow very rapidly while the other side is still growing slowly, and the plant will twist into any shape desired. This hormone may become useful in the transplanting of forests after a fire.
On January 23 the Science Club held its -last meeting with Lee Maulsby as the speaker. The sub-
ject Maulsby had chosen was the Bathysphere of Dr. Beebe. Maulsby gave a detailed description of the construction and the instruments that were taken on the many dives. After Maulsby's talk a discussioo
under way to catalogu~,
and' detailed description of the ex- presented the school a han?some discoverer of the X-ray.
etching that has been hung 1!'1 the L ibrary should stimulate an mte~-
The next of the fortnightly meet-
The bu&iness of having new A fter several matters of Import- net, is aroufnd tl_1e cforne.rt? eB~ ~~: ies a powerful hormone for making followed.
come into the club was ance had been discussed the meeting we ready or mce urm ur
, 'dl Th' h The meeting was then plants grow very rapt y. IS or-
ditcussed. Ahout eight names
was adjourned until February 14th.
.b ? LI rary.
body. T hese
filled all ?'equirements fm' their positions. Each of them has been active in school activities for the past two yem;s, and consequently have stood out as leade1's nmong the bo·ys.
tom, and the club approved of this BYMR. HOGAN'S WORK motion. Lewis was appointed to see
S c h o e w ,
combined to give us five more
Baskets by
increased our lead to eighteen
A ndrews and (Please Turn to Page Four.)
a n d
B l a n d f o r d

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