1942 VES Meteor
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Wolf Randol!», Rector
I IDe.
JANUARY 23, 1942
Unimpressive in Scheduled Appear-
Shepperd Strudwick Rising Actor , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Co-Capt·ain Alfred Williams Loops
Inspired by their 74-32 victory over Phillips Secretarial School of Lynchburg on the previous after- noon, the Garnet and White of V. E. S. entered their 1942 basket- ball season with a 33-27 decision over Bedford High in Barksdale Gymnasium, January 14.
Bedford drew first blood in the opening seconds of play, but the Garnets were soon back on the trail with Harrison and Williams sinking four goals between them. The first quarter ended with W ade of Bed- ford trying to forge his team ahead. The Garnet defense tightened and Crowder, who played a great game
for the victors kept flipping 'em through the loop and the half was over, V. E. S. 21, B. H. S. 13.
But as the third quarter wore lway the Bedford five found a few
Beta Kappa, Gorgon's Head, the Carolina Playmakers, and the
Co-Captain of Basketball
in the V. E. S. defense. from Raleigh, N. C., high scoring Golden Fleece. Also, he was asso· Ball teamking guard ftom Williams-
up a 26 to 24 margin at
Crow~er and Gooch shot ~hevict?rs WILLIAM S GOOCH
zine, and he obtained his A.B. de- smooth performance.
the start of the final period. Seager,
Bishop attack mainly 1•ests.
gree in 1928.
Through a "lucky break" Mr.
Strudwick obtained the leading role
in Charles Coburn's revival of The
Yellow Jacket. During the Broad-
back mto the contest wtth danng
Crowder, an up and coming for- ward with nine points, and Wil- liams: a fine letterman guard, with
seven, were tops for V. E. S. s~or­ ing. Forster, Seager and Harnson netted four each with Gooch,
Speight and Johnson also makin_g good use of their scoring opportu~u­ ties. Gooch played a great defenstve game for the Garnets anc;J kept the
visitors away from the Btshop goal during several crucial moments.
(Continued on Page Four.)
Miss Ward Has Dance; Dr. and Mrs. Randolph Have Birthday Parties
Williams, Forster and Carrington Fill Other Officers' Positions
On December 16, 1941, Dr. Ran- Races, Jigsaw, Let Freedom Ring, dawned on December 18th, 1941.
tosses. The final
V. E. S. 33, B. H. S. 27.
tables and then the dancing began.
There was a grand march in which baseball and
· Jumps
which he has reac 1e mr. tru wtc over to the window and with blood officers for the reorganized Science has abided by his motto: Decide in his eyes and murder in his heart, Club were elected. Gooch was what you want to do in life_-t~1en proceeded to crush the helpless lit- elected President, Carrington, G., pursue that course, that obJective, tle animal with one squash. How- Vice-President, Forster, Secretary, undeviatingly and wholeheartedly. ever fate spared the poor creature and MacManus, Treasurer.
lots of fun.
The girls at the
H odgson
when he withdrew
loss of blood, so she called an am- (Continued on Page Two.)
(Continued on Page Three.)
Later on, a party of The committees which supervise
favors were given out to track.
cream cakes was greatly enjoyed the purchase of the Se_nior Class gift
joined in on the Paul- quet runs off smoothly, have not as Congas and many other yet been elected. Three boys c_om-
One of the main events was pose each of these two commtttes Serpentine Dance in which every- and will be selected later. Also the
threw up his serpentines. All class prophet and valedi~torian of the class will be chosen m the fu-
ture. With the ringing of the bell
Alfred Willia11'LS, Jr., has been appointed a member of the H onor Committee to fill the vacanc)l left by Vivian
hand through the pane and severely Ten boys were voted upon by cut himself. these four boys, and have become
His next move was to amble over new members of the club. They are to the infirmary and get the wound Carrington, G., Gibson, Hathaway,
bandaged. However, Mrs.. Payne Gwathmey, Seager, R. Perkins, C., told him he would probably dte from Reed, Williams, A., Waller and
party were : Callahan, Mary Whitley
for study hall, the meeting was ad- L.2f!r'l.o!!,n::_t.:_cs~h:!;!o;:o~l.:.
'nued on Pag~ Four.)
in Hollywood-V. E. S. '21-'25
One of our alumni, Shepperd Strudwick, Jr., has experienced a remarkable acting career. He began life in Hillsboro, North Carolina, in 1907.
Mr. Strudwick came to V. E. S. in 1921, after he had completed his elementary education in his home town. Though Mr. Strudwick did not participate in dramatics while he was here, he did participate in
declamation and reading contests. During his last year at V. E. S. he was editor-in-chief of THE METEOR and a counselor. He graduated in
In the fall of 1925 Mr. Strudwick
entered the U niversity of North Carolina, where he left an out- standing record. He was a mem- ber of D. K. E. Fraternity, Phi
Fifteen Points to Lead Garnet and White Attack
On January 17th, at Hargrave Military Academy in Chatham, Va., the V. E. S. varsity basketball team defeat ed a hard fighting cadet quintet by the score of 37-32 in a game that was "nip and tuck" from beginning to end. In this, their first
scheduled prep school game, the Bishops showed a vast improve- ment over their two previous games.
Cheely, of Hargrave, scored the first point of the game on a free
throw, but Williams quickly retali- ated with two points for the Bishops. The game see-sawed through the first quarter, which finally ended with the Cadets lead-
ing, 9-7.
In the second quarter Speight
tied the score on the first play; Carter put the Cadets in the lead on a free throw, but Gooch tied it up again hy sinking a foul Rhot. During this quarter neither team could build up a substantial lead,
and at the half the Bishops trailed, 15-18.
In the third quarter Harrison and Williams quickly chalked up two points each, which put the Bishops ahead by one point. How- ever, the Garnets were unable to
Co-Captain of B.asketball
advantage of this, the visi- guard, on whose shoulders the ciate editor of the Carolina Maga- bu.tg, Va., who always tunts in a
way slump he traveled with various
road and stock companies, begin- Mattfield Proves No Match for build up a substantial le<).d and this
ning with the Maine Circuit. Mr. Strudwick has had exceptionally good roles (often the leads) in
Fly; Result: Serious Injury
period ended with the Bishops grimly holding a 28-27 lead.
Early in the fourth quarter Wil· Both Your Hou.ses, Biography, It was just an ordinary day that Iiams chalked up two points for the
dolph requested the meeting of all the members of the Senior Class. This meeting was for the purpose of electing the officers of the class before politics arose and a reocur· renee of last year's bedlam took
Vivie Hodgson was made cha.ir-
man of the meeting because he was while playing Broadway, when Mr.
not planning to return to school Strudwick entered the movies, his punctually proceeded as usual and after Christmas and, therefore, had name was slightly altered. When at lunch time it looked as if it would no personal interest in the election. you see him in Flight Command, be just another mechanical turn
The elections went off smoothly The Men in Her Life, and Belle around the clock for our beloved and Billy Gooch was elected Presi- Star, he will appear as John Shep- "Unc."
and several others.
In the Cathedral of St. John the
Divine in New York City, on May
10, 1936, he married Miss Helen going to recess for Christmas the
game. (Continued
on Page
Wynn, a young lady whom he met next clay?
Four. )
while he was with the road com· '
as H. W. Mattfield, arose with his SCIENCE CLUB MEETS;
Though he kept his true name
That methodical machine known usual vigor at 6:59 A. M., and be·
Billy Gooch Chosen President-Ten New Members
Voted In
Nothing seemed destined to happen. However, there was a bit of excite- ment because after all, wasn't school
Bishops and seconds later Crowder scored, thus giving the Garnets a five-point lead which they held throughout the remainder of the
gan the day's work. Everything
On Sunday, January 18, 1941, Mr. Strudwtck s enthustasm for room about 2 :00 P. M. engrossed after a lapse of over a year in any
perd. . , . Then it happened!! Sitting in his
Hollywood is largely due to Miss in the enchanting new best seller, organized activity, the Science Club
Loretta Young. He was one of the "The G·String Murders," by his met. There were but four members men in her life in The Men in Her favorite "author" Gypsy Rose Lee, at this meeting, these boys being
Life, and he seems amazed by her he noticed a mere fly churning the the only ones answering Mr. good nature, graciousness, charm, air and beating against the inside Kehrer's call for reorganization. and intelligence. of his window. Closing the book They were Gooch, MacManus, Car-
all. After the refreshments, and see that the Senwr Class ban· ..----:---:-::-::--::-::-:-::--:;::;:::;~;::--I and ' H. W. Mattfield thrust his
dent, Alfred Williams was elected On December 13, 1941, Miss Vice-President, Waldo Forster Sec-
Floyd Ward's Dancing Class gave retary, and Gray Carrington, Treas-
a Christmas Card Dance in the
Barksdale Gymnasium. There were Gooch has been at V. E. S. card tables around the dance floor three years and is an outstanding
with candles on them for illumina- athlete. He participates in foot- tion. The boys and girls made O';!t ball, co-captain of basketball
their cards for the dances at thetr (second time) and also pla~s
To attain the envious height with a sigh, ''Uncle Matty" ambled rington, G., and Forster. The meet- I d ~.- S d . k ina- was called to order and the

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