1988 VES Meteor
P. 1
Perm1t No 659 Lynchburg. Va Non-Prof1t Org
FEBRUARY 29, 1988
experuuv thwk to him
be 1mu that t! 1 an
about what would happen if he got caught : " I would be expell- ed " He thinks about the fact that this is his friend he would be
stealing from , " This guy would probably look down on me and
if anyone found out, they wouldn't trust me." After a quick minute of cool mplalion, he decides to leave without the xpensive
dtver 's watch
This story se~>ms to have a
happy (•nrling, but many of thes~>
tur!Pnt ' r1>om . Th~> thought dt playf'r! 1n th ftc
read this fictional excerpt and gave us her educated views on
the subject.
Q. My first question is, what
are the basic reasons why most stories don't end up thts way, and
why do people steal?
A. You can put stealing be
havior into srveral diffrrrnt catrgories and I lhmk thr most mild form or calrgory would br
those kids who would I)(' in volvrd in ~>hoplifling It'. thai kind of J)l'l'r aclivlly and somr of
Music was provided by YES's own Tom Goodrich and Michael Goggin, a bandmate of Good-
rich's from the days when they loured the East Coast as Spiedel, Goodrich, and Goggin.
The event was organized to raise money to pay for some dental equipment for the Free Clinic of Central Virginia . That goal was met as the concert clearf'd about
"The reason I wanted to set•
this conc<'rt happen," rxplains Mrs. I<:llrn Brown, "was to pro vtdc an opportunity for VES.
studrnls and faculty ahkt•, to •
h<'lp in , mt anmgful and suh stantial way ancllo have a good
tun!' 10 lht• pro<·Pss " Mr. Brown has hl'f•n !'lost'l)
ilSS()('IIIlf'd Wllh tht• ( 'hllll' S i l l ! ' I '
lfJOks forth~> tape casP., hP
A h
om~> books on a sh If He to
a rr-ally me
whe~t h 's domg and pull th
watch IY-tw n
dtv r 's
If hrJW mur h h~>
lletlt r th n Jtla tog for ~ O\\ 111 r •
wat('h . Jlf! waned on I t.ely, " rt woult'l
I plan Of h11 fr1 to lh
may not ht a rt•iil f•rt of thmg, 11 m y Just hr
onl'l or
QUI kly
1t ou of th room and nto
I ahng thmk
ton don't
ha bf'f·n
of stPahng, PVfm nght out of
Ilona! r·r·r,unt sH>m
en tbl Why rlon I lh Pf'Oplt•
ked h r th1 qu Iwn Sh
· c mmunlt
I thank
a I VI<;s, th~>r~> bl~> amount
thf•m arr
thf'tr J>('r•r
proving tht•m. t•lvt· worthy of tht·tr J>('l'r group or onu·lhm thalth1•y fN•I pn·s un·ct mto II
diJlng th
th Vf.S I,
whr, r
lhl WilY" W w nt to Mr
twu· kmd of mt•u1tont Thai
would he thf' most mtld form of cI ontmufld on Pag Ill
Jogtr al and
concert nd
dtenc , Goodrwh and (ro&gm for
pr!•SSUJ Nl
II might hf! a way of
IIllO If
Goodrich and Goggin
Goodrich and Goggin Play Benefit Concert
by Brad Davison
On Sunday, Feb. 8, VES was
the site of a benefit concert for the Free Clinic of Central Vir-
and trouble for our beneftt." Afler the concert Mr. Good- rich spoke 10 praise of the school's participation "The community should feel really good about domg somelhtng hke
this . Also. wtth the volleyball for •
muscular dystrophy com1ng up. it's great to see VJ:<:s as a school lookmg outward, lookmg to make a dtfference in the
community "
Michael Goggm, now attt>nd·
ing law school at U Va , occa· i o n a l l y makt> t h t> JOUr ne y
down ttout<• :.!!1 to se nr pi· ) wtlh (;oodrteh or \'t('t• vers
Goggm a b o pl.1ys a It'\\ shows at thr Muw~h.tlt 111 Charlottes
vi liP " I JUst enJoyed th1. mort' than a l'luh." e pi ms (itlltllm. "be<·ause tht•rt• s no smokull,
th!' ('ro\\d 1s nwr ah •
opt•nmg m St•pt1'111ht•r
lll'lpt \\ ath tht 1 ont· rl
nkt d th
th ar pariJctpahon "It' I
e<·uttvt I tht
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