1931 VES Meteor
P. 1
VoL. XV, No. 6
VIRGI IA EPISCOPAL SCHOOL, LY ~J~C~H~B~U~R=G~,~V~I~R~G~IN~~IA~============~=~J~=rN~r:u:.l:R~Y=:2:=!':1;9;3.!1 .------------------------.
Charlie Harris and Conroy Wilson High Scorers of Game with
Ten Points Each
GAME IS SLOW Campbell Scores Four Points to
Rank as High Point Man for Lexingtonians
The Virginia Episcopal School basketbalI team added another vic- tory to its credit Saturday, J anuary
17, 1931, when it defeated a very de- termined team from L exington High School -!5-11 in a heated contest played on the floor of the Barksdale Gymnasium.
The game at first appeared as if it would be a very close one, but when the Garnet basketeers started scoring, their opponents could not put a stop to it, and they could not
pull the score to a point where the game was close at any time through- out the entire contest. The Garnets were led by their stellar Captain, Harris, who with Conroy ·wilson shared the honor of being high scorer with 10 points each. Freeman was not far behind with 9 points while Harrison was trailing them with a total of 8 points.
Harris sank field goals from all angles of the court, one which was a very spectacular one-hand toss from
the middle of the floor. Wilson dis- played his ability in being able to work his way under the basket when he scored five times from this po. i- tion. Aside from this work he ancl (Continued on page 3)
ORGANIZED DEC. 19TH Local Alumni Hold Meeting in the
Rector's. Apartments to Fix Date of Annual Meet
U. of N. C. Reorganizes V. E. S. Club
There; V. M. I. and W. and L. Club Coop.erate with Locals
the Science Club held its first meet- cus plans for the development of an active alumni association. Though
·Flashy Garnet Forwards with Cap- folk-song, 0 tannenbam. tain Harris Leading Way,
Run Wild
Opening their 1931 court seaoou
in flashy form, the Virginia Episco-
pal ·School basketeers swamped Bed-
ford High, here, Saturday. January
10 in the Barksdale Gymnasium 63-
9. Twelve men saw action in the
game. The Bedford team used onlv
one substitute.
Led by Captain Charlie Harris
and Claude Freeman, starting for- wards, the Bishops found the basket from all angles and after a rather slow start rang in goals with clock- like precision. Harris counted twice in the first half and in the final half he dropped in seven shots, many of them from mid-floor. Freeman con- fined his scoring to the :fir t half, get- ting five goals. Wilson showed up well at center, garnering eight points.
'l'he Visitor seldom penetrated the airtight defense presented by the Garnet quintet. Their passes were
frequently intercepted and many shots failed to hit their mark. Mc- Clure, captain and forw·ard of the Bedford team, was the only one who (Continued on page 3)
lead · down to th e old bridge.
their application in the radio field.
It has been the cu lam for a
number of years Io Itold a dance following the V. E. S.-E. H. S. basket-ball game. This year the
IIop Committee is making plans fo1· a gala horne coming. IIennan 11'olfe ancl his D·i:cie Commanders have been secured for the occasion.
Five Are Initiated to
Der Deutsche V erein fan. II
Knight, Barrow, Holmes, Hubard, and Coleman New Members
The German Club at V. E. S., Der Deutsche Verein, met on Sunday, January 11th. The purpose of the
meeting was to elect new members
to the organization. The club, which
has become firmly established in V.
E. S. will b_e greatly strengthened,
it is felt by the charter members. NEWCONCRETEBRIDGE 'l'he boys elected to the club were
THE :M"TEOR in behalf of the scltool ll'isiles lo Uwnk Howell A1'-
Beall Knight of Winchester, Va., Robert Hubard of Fayetteville, W.
Va., David Barrow of Savannah, Ga.,
William Holmes, Lehigh University,
Bethlehem, Pa.., and Henry Coleman
of Geneva, N. Y. The president,
Herr Lasher, and Faculty Adviser,
H err Long, are now outlining a pro-
gran1 for the remaining meetings of
IS NEARLY COMPLETED gested, and Charles MeNulty and David Barrow were unanimouslv
Large Quantities of Rock Holding voted into the club. In addition to Up Progress taking in the new members, it
was announced that Dr. Geissler of After four months of steady work the Randolph-Macon Woman's Col-
the J. R. Ford Construction Co., lege would address the club at the Inc., has almost completed the new meeting scheduled for February 1st.
V. E. S. bridge. The old dilapidated At the next meeting of January 18th, the club was entertained by
structure will soon be discarded for Mr. Ludwell A. Strader, head of the
C'ocLch Bnsket-ball 1931
ing since the Christmas holidays.
This meeting was devoted entirely to
business, and among other things it
was decided to continue the policy of gradually increasing the size of the club; various candidates were sug-
the attendance was small, everyone was _enthusiastic over the prospects; particularly because every alumnus in the vicinity had previously been seen, and while many of these could
not be on hand for various reasons, the group who met at the time felt that they had the wholehearted sup- port of the absent alumni.
Two achievements stand out as es- pecially promising. One of these is the appointment of an active alumni
secretary stationed at the school. While it is hoped that an alumnus may soon be appointed to the facul- ty who can take charge of this work, it was finally decided that for the time being, Mr. Z. V. Long, ·Jr., of the faculty should be ·asked to co- operate with THE METEOR in this
the year. The program will probably
consist of talks by members on Ger- the new which should be finished in Science department at V. E. S., with
man affairs in that country. several more weeks. The spans and a short but interesting talk on vari- President Lasher discussed with under pinions of the bridge have all ous things connected with radio. Mr.
the members some of the interesting been poured; the floor of the bridge Strader began with an explanation of work.
events which are arising almost daily is also ready for use. a vacuum tube, its construction and in the Mother country. vVork has been clone on the side its operation, howing in the mean- It was decided at this meeting rails and lamp posts ancl at the time with diagram the method of
that the club would have a banquet completion of these the bridge will hooking it up. Continuing, Mr. sometime in the year, probably soon be ready to use. The approach to ·Strader described the phenomena of after exams. The members decided the south end of the bridge is being the Heavyside layer, showing the that a person did not have to take straightened, and the blasting of the difference between its effects on radio German necessaril y to become a rock is offering quite an obstacle to waves during the day and night. The
The other important step was the decision to make a special effort to have a large alumni attendance on alumni clay, to be held in May, and also at Finals. It was felt that through two such meetings a large
(Continued on page 4)
member of the club. The meeting the progress of labor. This ap- talk was concluded by a definition of SCHOOL CATALOGUE FOR.
adjourned with the singing of Das proach, when finished, will do away the term wave length, the difference Abend Spate, and the old German wi.th the clangerou S-curve that between long and short waves and
Many New Pictures Are Added Which Did Not Appear
Last Year
The new Virginia Epi copal School catalogue which has been re- cently published, amply meets the two nece ary requirements of a com- plete school catalogue; that is it is plea ing to tl1e eye and also gives the necessary information in clear, spe-
cific, and understandable terms.
Anyone who had never heard of V. ·E. S. could get a clear impression of what the school is like by carefully
reading the catalogue.
From the outside the new blue and
white looks similar to the one of last year ; hewever the present edition contains many new and improved features.
One of the most striking improve- ment is the new frontispiece, which lis a front view of the campus and all of the buildings. This picture is
dear and is superior in every detail to the old picture. .
Among the new pictures which have been added is that of the new bridge in one of the later stages of its construction. Other pictures are
(Continued on page 3)
ihtLr l~amnr, '29,
11'aslzinglon ancl
flowers presented by him for the
a./tnr. I t is stLggested to the alum- ni and the stndent body thai they present flowers on the nnniversary
of titP dealit of a friend. McNULTY AND BARROW
PLEDGED TO SCIENT/A Professor Strader Gives Interesting
Talk About Radio
now attendi.ng L ee, for the
On December 19 a meeting of a small group of local alumni was held Sunday evening, January 11th, in the Rector's apartments, to dis-

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