1923 VES Meteor
P. 1
W und rnst hurried, wi~tful glances in every direction open to her ,·ision. Suddenly starting, witlt her body an aqni>er with hope--half-hearted hope, fearful of disappointment; ::,be fixed her e~·es on a figure approaching from the direction of A,·enue Des Chomps ElysC(>s. If only it is he. Faintly, hut ~ery faintly, she could discern the figur~of a man nen.ring the hou.e but on the oppo ite side of the stl·eet. The thought seemed too man-el- ous even to entertain it, but-but unless her sight '~as fail- ing, it was so. He was almost opposite the 'vindow now, nnd she wns breathless, waiting, hoping to see him cut across. Something lil-a a sob escaped her, and bad her face been

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