1926 VES Meteor
P. 1
VoLUME X, No. 10
Brilliant Comeback Fails to Win for Garnet and White
On February the 16th the Barks-
FEBRUARY 26, 1926
gained. The Garnet and White' team played more smoothly, guarded more closely, and improved itself in every respect. The last quarter turned out to be one of tremendous effort on the part of both aggrega- tions. Steadily and irresistibly the
home quint lessened the gap between the scores; but their efforts were de- feated when the final whistle blew- S. M:. A. was two points in the lead.
Throughout the contest, Loffler .and Smith for V. E. S., and French for S. M. A. were the outstanding
First Quarter ·
From the instant the ball was
tossed, it became evident that the game would be fast, for immediately S. .M:. A. began to rush things. For the first few moments the two teams
fought in the middle of the floor
First Quarter
After a few moments of play, Jones of W. F. S. tallied and missed
iaux defeated Rhett by a time de- caging the ball. A little later Gold- smith shot underneath the basket,
cision. 4 minutes and 10 seconds. and Smith finished up our scoring In the 128-pound class Fishburne, for that quarter with a long shot as
T., defeated Price by a fall in 2 min- the result of excellent passing. The score was then 6-0. A little later,
Line-up: V.E. S.
G0ld ·th snn
E. H. S. M
but suddenly Staunton broke loose, box. Just before the end of the
and the scene of conflict raged under quarter Smith shot a field goal.
Score, V. E. S. 4; W. F . S.- 9 . Second Quarter
overflowing with unfortunate sick boys. Miss Andrews h as been forced
the V. E . S. basket. The ball rose up and dropped . neatly into the net- work. The first tally for our op-
AROUND NORTH LYNCHBURG Dr. Pendleton spellt the week-end
of the 13th at Welch, West Virginia, where he held a service.
On February 15th, Mrs. Ganna- way was called home because of the
'illness of her father.
Mrs. Bell, of C. E. I., has paid us
two short visits lately.
Messrs. Baker and Barger took ad-
vantage of the trip to Alexandria,
TRACK SCHEDULE ARRANGED Manager Forsyth has arranged
our track schedule for this spring, giving us three· meets at home. Although the meet with·Fishburne
is pending, the list will remain es- sentially as follows:
April 10-Triangular-V. E. S., H. M. A., R. M. A.-here.
April 17th-Dual-V. E. S., S. M. A.-here.
April 24th-Dual-V. E. S., W. F. S.-there (Orange).
or two vain attempts at long dis- tance shooting, Kevlighan slipped
Third Quarter
Fenner drew first blood for W. F. coca-colas, and late hours.
Mr. Barger to go home. ---o,---
Mr. James V. Day, our most in- spiring orator, has been chosen to represent our alma mater on the
·platform at St. Christopher's. H e will speak on the subject, "Ameri- ca's Influence in World Reconstruc- tion Will be Exerted to Increase Peace and Progress." We have no doubt that his speech will definitely settle the question, and our country's
in the annual interscholastic meet held at U. Va.
On Ash Wednesday the morning periods were shortened so that a service could be held in chapel at
12 o'clock. Mr. Baker delivered. a. short, appropriate talk on the mea.n- ing of Lent. The service impressed us with the seriousness of Lent, and helped us to start it in the right spirit.
field goals ; the latter by an excellent just as the whistle sounded. shot from iJie sidelines. The Yel- S.- 10; W. F. S.-19.
low and Black partly repaid this by
scoring from the gift box. For the
V. E. Ladd a compromise has been affect-
ed between Le Cercle Francaise and APARTMENTS THE SCENE OF
next few moments of play Staunton gained the upper hand and the re- sult was a field goal by Kevlighan. Then followed a eries of goals m the favor of S. M. A. although the Episcopal team g11arded closely.
dale gymnasium was again the bat-
tle-ground of two closely matched strong Orange and Black team of on the latter's floor. The team
Woodberry nosed out a 23-18 victory showed marked improvement over quintet finally emerged on top of a basket-ball teams: V. E. S. versus over Virginia Episcopal in one of the first meet with A. M. A. Our 19-16 score, each of them scoring
S. M:. A. the most exciting contests Barksdale The game was marked because of Gymn has witnessed this season.
six points. At the half Episcopal grapplers scored four falls and a was leading by the score of 12-8, but time decision while E. H. S. was Coach Barger evidently said some- thing inspiring, for our boys came
the fast floor-work and the close It is true, while Woodberry led
throughout the game, they were only able to gather two falls and a
guarding done by both the teams. time decision. The match was hard back, and with a whirlwind finish, never so far a.head as to put us out won the game. Smith and Loffler
From the start it looked as though of the running, and indeed towards fought but V. E. S.'s superiority was starred for us, while Kaminer did
Staunton Military, Academy would the latter part of the match, the shown throughout.
the best work for Episcopal. First Quarter
take things their own way, for they Orange and Black were forced to put simply added goal upon goal of both every ounce of playing ability into types. By the end of the first quar- the game in order to stave off defeat. ter the visiting team was six points Jones, the W. F. S. center and in the lea.d. This was only the be- captain, was without a doubt the star ginning, however, and as the game of the visitors, while Goldsmith proceeded, the V. E. S. five steadily rivaled him for honors.
In the 105-pound class Fishburne
defeated Lasher by a fall in 3 min- utes and 25 seconds.
scored on two tries from the free
The second half opened with a
rush when Moncure scored Episco-
pal's only field goal. At this point Referee: Earley.
to convert her living-room into an ponents. As the quarter went on, After a failure to score on our additional ward, much to the regret S. .M:. A. was decidedly better in part, Jones shot two fouls. The of a few bridge fiends. So far the speed and in guarding. The Garnet game was very close for a period. measles seems to be running a close and White team was unable to score Spruill shot a foul, and Woodberry and furious race with pink-eye. At any field goals, and seemed equally missed and shot one on two tries. present the numbers are about even-
unsuccessful in keeping their oppon- Fenner chalked up a W. F. S. field ly augmented.
ents from doing so1 Before the peri- shot. V. E. S. came within an ace Even the faculty is not immune od was in full swing, S. M. A. again of scoring, but poor shooting spoiled from sickness. Mr. Costolo was un- netted two points. Here, however, our chances. Close·guarding marked able to meet his classes for several there came a break in the clouds, the remajnder of the quarter until days. Probably Mr. Colton has en- for V. E. S. was put on the gift Young got loose for a field goal. The dured the severest penalty of all. line. Smith sent the ball into the half ended W. F. S.-14; V. E. S.- We understand that his physician right place for our team's first scor~.
As if in repayment of th1s, after one
E. S., F. May 8th V. E. S. will participate
the sphere into the ring, thus tally- S. with a field goal but Goldy re- Perhaps Mr. Johnston's task of ing again for Staunton. Th1s was covered this for us. The Orange coaching soccer has proved too stren- closely followed by a successful foul and Black failed to score after the uous. He has joined the rapidly shot, and the quarter ended with sphere had been dribbled to within growing ranks of pink-eyes. Staunton Academy on the best srde easy shooting range. Jones followed Dr. Pendleton also has been " un•
of a seven to one score. Second Quarter
an unsuccessful try for foul with a der the weather" for several days, field goal, giving Woodberry the edge and little Frances Gibson has been
for the quarter. Smith after a pret- afflicted with the measles scourge. ty dribble failed to score. Fenner
This quarter op~ned up wi~h a on two tries .scored once from the rush which seemed charactensbc of gift box; V. E. S. shot twice from
S. M. A. The V. E. S. quint was the foul line but failed to sink prepared for it this time, howeve~, either shot. Woodberry again failed
and despite their opponents' frantic to score when well within shootillg
attempts, Goldy and Smith scored distan.ce. Goldsmith tallied a foul of diplomacy on the part of Mrs.
the culinary department. ·when the
club met on the night of February
11th, the new treaty was in effect, V. E. S. opened the quarter with and food was once more supplied by
a 'hirlwind attack, and led by Gol- the kitchen. After refreshments, dy scored seven points before 'vV. F. Mrs. Ladd gave a brief lecture on S. knew what it was all about. The the life of Victor Hugo. Next it or er of goals was: two from the was proposed that the members
party in the apartments. There were
very much enjoyed by all present. ences in the Virginia coal fields to
Fourth Quarter
Dr. ruary
Pendleton's birthday - 11th - was celebmted
F eb- by a
R. I.
On Fnday the 12th Deaconess
. . -------
OVER EPISCOPAL HIGH Down E. H. S. to the Tune of 19-16 On Saturday, February 20th, the Saturday, the 20th, proved a dis-
George was substituted for Young. "Shylock" slipped one in ; then Goldy and Loffler, by the dint of ex- cellent passing, did the same. Kam- iner placed in two points from the foul line to end Episcopal's scoring. The quarter ended 16-14.
Fourth Quarter
The quarter started off with much passing, but little shooting. After about four minutes off play, E. H. S. fouled Loffler in .the act of shooting. The "Cabbage King'' sunk both shots. A minute later he sunk a field goal from a difficult angle, the ball finally falling in the basket after
rolling around the rim. Episcopal tried many long shots, none success- ful, and then with one minute to play, Young put the game on ice by caging a foul.
astrous day for Episcopal, and a Goldsmith Stars in Exciting Match V. E. S. wrestling team won a de- glorious one for V. E..S. at Alex-
cisive victory over Episcopal High andria. With Goldsmith, Loffler, Saturday, February 13th, the and Smith leading the scoring, our
We started off in whirlwind fash- In the 115-pound class Grum- ion; a signal, Goldsmith to Smith,
utes. Boogher for Episcopal caged a bas- in two shots from the free throw line. In the 135-pound class Floyd Day ket, and then Kaminer. Boogher
Smith .................................. Gibson
Young ······························ Kaminer
Pinkerton came through with a nif- defeated Ingoldsby by a fall in 3 again scored by a long shot, and at ty field goal, and the fight started minutes. the end -of the quarter the score was
in earnest. Nash on two tries from In the 140-pound class McCor- tied 6-6. the foul line repeated Jones' per- mick defeated Smith, W., by a fall
(Capt. ) .................. Boogher
formance, and Fenner chalked up in 3·minutes and 30 seconds. .
two more w. F. s.points on a field In the 145-pound class Whitaker
goal. Woodberry dropped a chan·ce defeated Shannonhouse by a fall in gradually forging ahead, Faulkoner
guard guard
The second quarter saw Episcopal for foul score, and V. E. S. missed 4 mmutes. dropping in a field goal, and Gibson,
one also. Whisnant duplicated these · In the 158-pound class Constan- Kaminer and Boogher making a
attempts. V . E. S. lost an excel- tine defeated Wilson by a fall in 3 total of four points from the charity
lent opportunity to score, and W. F. mmutes. . . . . line. Goldsmith scored our lone Ih1d1J
Substitutions: V. E. S.: George for Young; Young for George. E. H. s.: Bennet for Kaminer.
F. ld G 1 V E S G ld 'th Ie oas: . . .: o sm1 ,
S.wasabletotallytwomorepoints n t.e unlmite cass Im_mie'goal,andthehalfended12-8,·favor D df dD hb f11 5
3 s'th 3 Lffl 2 E H S
; mi ' ; 0 er, · · · ·:
on a pretty dribble by Jones, which ay e eate ore Y a a m of Episcopal.
Kaminer, 1; Moncure, 1; Boogher, F lk
terminated in a basket. Jones im- mmutes and 15 seconds. mediately followed this with another
field goal. Whisnant missed and MID-YEAR ILLNESS CLAIMS
to take week-ends in Baltimore; Mr. has inflicted upon him a very strict Baker for relaxation and pleasure,
April 30th-Dual-V . M. S.-here (pending).
routine. H e can no longer indulge in his favorite pleasures: cigarettes,
By a magnificent and deft stroke policy will be shaped accordingly.
On Monday the 15th a small ·each section of Religious Instruction During this period Fanny was con- flo r, followed by a field and foul should describe in French different bridge party was gi_ven in h?nor of V. We were quite horrified at the
spicuous for his being in the center
shqt by Farinholt and Spruill re-/ books and operas. Various rash at- spectlvely. Jones retabated with a tempts were made, which proved so· field goal, and later tallied a foul entertaining that the club adjourned shot in two tries. Fenner arlded at the latest hour in its exceedingly
(Continued on page 2)
Dr. and Mrs. Davls by_ Miss ~- gruesome happenings and conditions
of the struggle.
with the Aeademy in the lead by a
14-5 score.
(Contfued on page 2)
rrhe quarter closed
drews and Mrs. Holt. Smce the m- f h' h h told . firmary is at present otherwise oc- 0 w IC 8 e us.
· d e enJoye
,long history.
• hope sometime to hear her again.
Second Quarter
Farinholt .......... Faulkoner (Capt.)
'"'-rrd Quarter ..,u
The "Pest House" is flull and ----------------:-~---------------
only a few guests, but the party was Adams gave a talk on her experi-
cupied the party was given in the her talks very much, however, and
······: ················· forward
2; au oner,1. F1G1VESY 1
ou oas: . . .: oung, ; Loffler, 2. E. H. S.: Gibson, 2; Kaminer, 3; Boogher, 1.

   1   2   3   4   5