b'2 Manage the Transitionto Our New CampusSeptember 2018 marked two years since the transition to our expanded and renovated building. Now that students and staff have adjusted to the space, our efforts have focused on finding additional ways to make use of the facilities and to expand and refine our programming. We planned and implemented Phase 1 of our Innovation Lab renovation, redeveloping the space and adding new equipment. The Lab established many connections to projects within different courses and extracurriculars and hosted our weekly Computer Assisted Design (CAD) Club. We added Coordinator positions for the Outdoor Education and Athletics programs; the added capacity in these areas allowed for new initiatives including our three Athletics Awards Assemblies and the Paddling Film Festival. We took advantage of our increased gym space by starting a recreational badminton team and we refined the use of the theatre to enable more groups to access the space for presentations, guest speakers and speech competitions. 3 Address the Changing Needs of Students Across the GradesA major focus for 2018-2019 was implementing a more intentional literacy development process for students. As part of this process, all Grade 7-9 students completed reading assessments; personalized interventions were recommended for students based on assessment results. We also hired a Literacy Coordinator to oversee the literacy development process for all students. We shared strategies and structures with teachers around supporting student learning at each grade levelin particular, how to engage students and keep them on task. Our new age-and-stage framework, developed during the 2017-2018 school year, was successfully implemented within the co-teaching model, ensuring that co-taught classes are targeted to each grades unique needs. Alumni survey data about specific academic skills and programs was used to revise programming in certain subject areas; for example, senior science classes now include training on the style of lab reports used by postsecondary institutions.Greenwood Annual Report 2018/2019 4'