b'mutual respect, and inclusiveness as a way of life. The Hummels have placed their gift in the Bob Demaree Financial Aid Endowment, which recognizes the former Upper School Director who inspired their children and others to reach for their dreams.During her tenure on the GDS Board, Anne chaired the Education Committee and led the process to develop an updated Strategic Plan for the School. More recently, both Hummels honored their children with their gift to the Generations Campaign by THE HUMMELS: LEADERS AMONGST LEADERS placing their name on the beautiful 8th grade science lab in the Bell Family Middle School.Give Back in Gratitude Anne and Sam are Leaders amongst Leaders who make their difference throughout their communities.Greensboro A nne and Sam Hummel haveheritage of community service. ThroughDay School is a better place because of their been impacting Greensborothe years, both Sam and Anne have offeredfamilys involvement on this campus over Day School for over 40 years. leadership support to Greensboro Daymost of its 50 years. Their children, Elizabeth 89School, JDRF, the Greensboro YWCA, the enrolled in GDS in 1976, Holmes 94Carolina Theatre, and Planned Parenthood.Anne and Sam are enthusiastic about the in 1981, Amelia 95 in 1982, and SamArts Greensboro and United Way receiveprospects of our current campaign, and they 99 in 1985.The family saw tremendousthe Hummel touch as well. In addition,want to make this personal appeal: With growth in the school, both in enrollmentSam is a champion of Rotary and athe Schools 50th anniversary celebration promoter of Greensboros community spirit,beginning in September, we urge the and in program expansion. To thisdressed as Uncle Sam! alumni and their parents to stop and reflect day, they are proud of the educationseriously on the life-enriching benefits that foundation their children received atThe Hummels are grateful to formerthey themselves or their child (or children) Greensboro Day School. members of the GDS faculty and staffreceived at Greensboro Day School and to who made a positive impact on theirgive back in gratitude, in a meaningful way. With a recent leadership gift in celebrationchildren. They praise the School forJoint family gifts or honorary gifts are an of the schools upcoming 50th anniversary,consistently maintaining a program ofopportunity to help the School thrive into the Hummels donation offers theiracademic excellence, one that developsthe future.generous support to help Greensboro Daytalents and strengthens character.When School continue to fulfill its mission asasked about their particular area of interest they have for organizations throughout thefor their endowment gift, Anne and SamIf you are interested in learning more Greensboro community. chose financial aid, to enable greaterabout the endowment opportunities economic, ethnic, and racial diversity inin support of the 50th Anniversary, The Hummels four children were verythe student body. In addition to allowingplease contact Tommy Webb at active students throughout their yearsthe enrollment of bright students whose here, growing and learning to become thefamilies cannot afford the full tuition, thetommywebb@greensboroday.org or constructive contributors that they areHummels believe that increasing diversity in336-288-8590. now as adults.Three of them reside in NC,the student body will help promote a higher and each has continued to build upon theirdegree of empathy, kindness, generosity, GDS Magazine | 43'