We have been blessed with broad and thoughtful feedback from our GDS community, with people participating in surveys in overwhelming numbers, showing up at forums to discuss traits for a new Head of School, and offering many words of advice and encouragement. The responses have been from current parents, past parents, faculty, a large number of alumni, and many other friends of the school. The care that our community has for the future of Greensboro Day School has been gratifying to see. Similar to the wonderful reputation of GDS in Greensboro, the reputation of Greensboro Day School across the country, along with our track record of having the very best Heads of School, has attracted a wonderful group of applicants for our Head of School position. We have had a very large and, more importantly, an extremely high quality group of candidates. We had applicants who are sitting Heads of School, others who are currently serving in senior leadership positions at schools and ready for a Head of School position, and non-traditional candidates. GDS had applicants from across the country, some of whom are very familiar with Greensboro and others who would be new to our community. Candidates came from many of the top independent schools, boarding schools, and universities in our country. This great candidate pool is a testament to the wonderful history of GDS and the high regard our school enjoys around the country. The future of independent school education in our country is very bright, and Greensboro Day School is blessed to be recognized as a leader in providing a premier PK-12 academic and extra-curricular environment. We appreciate the exemplary work that Mark Hale has done at GDS over the last 13 years, and we wish him the best going forward. At the same time, the Board of Trustees is firmly committed to growing and strengthening Greensboro Day School as we complete the process of naming a new Head of School. With warm regards, David L. Brown Chair, Board of Trustees Dear GDS Community: It is always helpful to get perspectives on your school from those closest to it, but also from those beyond the walls who are paying attention to the school’s work. Our search for a new Head of School has offered just such an opportunity. We have heard from multiple constituencies, affirming not only the positive view of Greensboro Day School in Greensboro, but the superb reputation our school enjoys more broadly. This has allowed us to stop and to reflect on where we are, so that we can plan to go forward in the best way possible. LETTER FROM THE CHAIR GDS Magazine | 5