b'RETIREMENTS AND FAREWELLSTOMMY WEBBA t the close of the 2020-21 school year, we will bid farewell to a true GDS legend, Tommy Webb. His career encompasses 39 years and hundreds, and likely thousands, of relationships that run deep and wide. Lets recap what can only be characterized as a remarkable career, highlighted by extraordinary relationships, institutional success, and a life fully lived to the benefit of our community.Tommy Webb first came to Greensboro Day School in the summer of 1982, at the invitation of then Head of School, Jim Hendrix. Tommy embarked on his 39-year journey as an 8th grade English teacher. As one would expect, he wore many hats from the start; Tommy was the Upper School student newspaper advisor and a Middle School soccer coach. Tommy noted that, Dr. Ed Dickinson, the Middle School Director at the time, was a terrific mentor in Tommys early days at GDS. Mentorship would be a keynote in Tommys career, having now launched hundreds of first-time teachers and administrators. Tommy understood the value of an independent education when he said yes to Jim Hendrix in 1982. Tommy is an alumnus of Baylor School in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and spent the intervening years, following his graduation from UNC in 1973, teaching in independent and public schools.20 | Winter 2020'